Hosted Jams

Location: Thwing Center at CWRU

At LEFF, you’ll find plenty of opportunities to play music with others, in informal pop-up jams or organized sessions led by knowledgeable performers. Besides the scheduled jams below, jammers are welcome to play in other locations as long as they are considerate and don’t block halls, stairways or exits. Feel like being part of an organized jam? Check out one of the sessions below.

Old Time Jam

Hosted by Joel Specht, Erin Johnson, Bill Braun
(Beg / Int / Adv)

1-1:45pm • Room 201

Beg / Int / Adv

old time jams

Irish Seisun

Hosted by Jack Hughes

2-2:45pm • Room 201

Join Jack as he leads a traditional seisiun. Bring your instrument and play along, offer your favorite set of tunes, or sit back and enjoy listening to a great mix of Irish tunes including some rollicking reels and lively jigs!

Photo by Arai Photography

Weird Fiddle Tunes You’ve Never Heard Before

Hosted by John Showman & Chris Coole

3-3:45pm • Room 201

Have an afternoon jam with our evening concert guys, Showman & Coole of the Lonesome Ace Stringband. Or just watch and enjoy the music.  Enjoy!

Rippin’ Old Time Jam

Hosted by Ken Roby/Village Blacksmith, Bill Braun, Lynn Frederick, Barb Withee, Jim Richards and many more hooligans! 
(Int / Adv)

4-4:45pm • Room 201

For jammers who want to just dig in and rip some tunes so people can watch and enjoy and be inspired! A demo and inspirational jam, intended to encourage less experienced folks to keep at it, not to get frustrated with learning. Not a closed jam, but a more experienced full speed jam.

Bluegrass Jam

Hosted by Sugar Mules

5-5:45pm • Room 201

Sugar Mules are a Cleveland based six bluegrass band combining traditional favorites with originals and new covers to provide an inescapable need to stomp your boots and let loose a holler.



Lake Erie Folk Fest logoNortheast Ohio Musical Heritage Association
10848 Chillicothe Rd.
Kirtland, OH 44094

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Copyright © 2025 Lake Erie Folk Fest. All rights reserved.